Friday, May 30, 2008

All Human Beings Have Evil Tendencies

All human beings have evil tendencies, but James teaches us that God will give us more and more grace to meet these tendencies.

I spent much of my Christian life trying to meet my own evil tendencies. All my trying brought much frustration. I had to come to a place of humility. I had to learn that God gives grace to the humble/not the proud.We have our own ideas about what we can accomplish, but often we think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We should have a humble attitude, knowing that apart from God, we can do nothing.

If you are planning your own way, trying to make things happen in the strength of your own flesh, then you are frustrated. You probably have said, "No matter what I do, nothing seems to work!" Nothing will ever work until you learn to trust in God's grace.

Relax. Let God be God. Stop being so hard on yourself. Change is a process, it comes little by little. You are on your way to perfection. Enjoy the trip!

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